Best Projects to Finish Before Winter

Best Projects to Finish Before Winter

As winter approaches, it is a good time to finish a variety of home projects, both indoors and outdoors. 这些项目不仅会让你的家更舒适, 但它们也可以提高能源效率,让你的财产安全抵御即将到来的冬季风暴.

10 Best Outdoor Projects to Finish Before Winter

初秋,白天还比较长,气温也不那么冷的时候,是结束户外活动和过冬的好时机. There is still plenty of daylight to work with, 及时完成这些杂务将确保你的家的外观, as well as your landscape, is ready for winter.

  1. New Windows – Whether you need windows repaired or completely replaced, 最好在冬天的天气无法打开窗户之前完成这项工作. 考虑将窗户升级为双层或三层玻璃,以提高效率.
  2. Roof Repair -维修屋顶的范围可从修补小漏洞到更换几片瓦,再到彻底拆除建筑物的屋顶. 这项工作最好在有温暖阳光的时候完成, or roof bonding materials may not adhere properly.
  3. Seal Concrete – Sealing a concrete driveway, patio, 或者在冬天之前铺设路面,防止水渗入多孔材料或现有裂缝中, where ice can cause more damage. 适当的密封剂也可以防止变色的防冻化学品.
  4. Fertilize Landscaping – Before plants go completely dormant in late autumn, offer them a good fertilizing to strengthen root growth. 这种喂养将有助于保持植物强壮,抵御冬季的破坏,这样它们就可以在春天迅速恢复活力.
  5. Winterize Landscaping -除了秋季喂养外,在秋季进行冬季绿化. This may include pruning unstable or broken branches, wrapping shrubbery to resist the weight of snow or ice, 并在花坛上加一层护根物,以隔离幼嫩的球茎和根.
  6. Winterize Outdoor Equipment – Outdoor tools and equipment, such as the lawn mower, pond pumps, grill, sprinklers, spigots, 所有的软管都应该进行防寒处理,这样就不会受到任何损害. 适当地清洁和储存园艺工具,这样它们就可以在春天使用.
  7. Clean Out Gutters – Be sure all gutters, downspouts, 排水管很干净,所以不会有冰或雪积聚,导致回流或泄漏. Check gutter alignment as needed, 并考虑在排水沟上加金属网,以帮助它们远离秋叶.
  8. Clean Windows -在秋天花时间彻底清洗窗户(包括室内和室外),让更多的光线进入整个冬季, just when sunlight is at a premium. This will give you better views of winter vistas, 也将有助于培育任何渴望更多阳光的室内植物.
  9. Prepare for Holiday Lights -如果冬季假期意味着你的家和景观周围有大量的灯, take time in fall to make sure you’re ready for them. Consider installing hooks or other attachments now, 在室外工作太不舒服之前, and be sure outdoor outlets function properly and safely.
  10. Stock Up on Winter Supplies -你不想在冬天的第一场大雪中醒来,却发现你的雪铲坏了,或者你的吹雪机无法启动. 在秋季检查冬季工具,并根据需要储备除冰产品. 还要考虑为你的车准备一个急救箱,以防冬季驾驶危险把你困在车里.

10 Best Indoor Projects to Finish Before Winter

随着秋天的到来,你会想要搬到室内做这些家务. Taking care of them before winter arrives in full force, however, 会让你更舒适,让你放松,知道你的家已经为冬天的天气做好了准备.

  1. Improve Insulation 根据需要在阁楼和墙壁上增加额外的隔热材料,可以帮助你在整个冬天保持家里的温暖,减少开支. At the same time, 将热水器和任何靠近外墙的管道隔离,以节省能源并将管道结冰的风险降至最低.
  2. Seal Windows and Doors – Check for airflow leaks near all windows and doors, 并根据需要添加填缝或防风雨条来堵塞这些缝隙. Even small leaks can add up to big expenses, 即使冬天供暖,你的家也会更舒适.
  3. Clean the Fireplace and Chimney – If your home has a fireplace, 秋天是确保房屋干净、没有可能引发火灾的碎片或堆积物的最佳时机. 还要检查烟囱和所有相关通风口是否有障碍物, 清洁燃气壁炉前的玻璃,这样你就能看到摇曳的火焰了.
  4. Inspect Fire Alarms – Replace the batteries in all fire alarms, or if the alarms themselves are older, consider upgrading to newer, more advanced models. Similarly, check carbon monoxide alarms as well, 检查所有的安全警报,确保它们正常工作.
  5. Replace Furnace Filters – As you prepare to start your furnace for chillier months, 检查所有过滤器是否清洁,并根据需要进行更换. This will minimize dust and allergens in your home, 保持你的空气更清洁,帮助你的炉子更有效地运行.
  6. Declutter the Garage -当你把夏天的工具收起来,拿出冬天的工具, 清理车库,丢弃破损或不必要的设备. 这也是一个很好的机会,把节日装饰搬到前面和中心,这样它们就很容易在冬天装饰.
  7. Improve Lighting -随着秋天天色变暗,白天可以享受的时间越来越少, 升级室内照明可以为这个季节带来光明. 购买更节能的灯泡可以节省更多的钱, and be sure older fixtures are free of dust and dirt.
  8. Paint Rooms – If you’ve wanted to paint rooms to refresh the walls, 秋天是这样做的好时机,因为窗户仍然可以打开以确保安全通风. 重新粉刷也会让你的空间重新焕发活力,就在你打算在室内度过更多时间的时候, 还能在节日客人到来之前让你的家焕然一新.
  9. Organize the Pantry – Take the time in fall to check your pantry supplies, 尤其是冬季烹饪和假日烘焙的主食. Rotate supplies so older foods are used first, 考虑储存不易腐烂的食物或其他物品,如清洁用品,这样你就不用担心冬天的紧急购物了.
  10. Clean Carpets 经过夏天的辛苦使用,地毯在秋天会特别脏,在温暖的日子里会有更多的赤脚. 深层清洁或洗头可以恢复地毯的颜色和绒毛, refreshing it for the holiday season. 确保根据需要安装垫子或靴子托盘,这样秋雨和冬天的雪就不会溅到地毯上.

有许多室内和室外工程应该在冬天到来之前完成, but by taking each task one at a time, 为家里的冬天做准备并准备好享受这个季节是很容易的.